system of equations, the sum of two numbers is 46. the first number is 3/20 of the second number

is it x + y = 46, x = 3/20y?

2nd number = X

1st number = 3x/20

x + 3x/20 = 46
Multiply both sides by 20 and solve for x.

Yes, you are correct. The system of equations for the given problem can be written as:

x + y = 46 (Equation 1)
x = (3/20)y (Equation 2)

Yes, you are correct. The system of equations can be represented as:

x + y = 46 (Equation 1)
x = (3/20)y (Equation 2)

In Equation 1, x represents the first number and y represents the second number. The sum of the two numbers is 46.

In Equation 2, it states that the first number (x) is equal to 3/20 times the second number (y).

By setting up and solving this system of equations, you can find the values of x and y that satisfy both equations.