Differentiate the following implicit dunction and find dy/dx ln (3xy)=2xy^2

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ln (3x) + ln (y) = 2xy^2

Is it need to separate in the bracket?

How to separate x and y for RHS

There is really no need to have brackets on the RS

but I would mentally look at it as
(2x)(y^2) so the product rule is more obvious

so .....

3/(3x) + (dy/dx)/y = (2x)(2y dy/dx) + (y^2)(2)
multiply each term by y
y/x + dy/dx = 4xy^2 dy/dx + 2y^3
dy/dx - 4xy^2 dy/dx = 2y^3 - y/x
dy/dx (1 - 4xy^2) = 2y^3 - y/x
dy/dx = (2y^3 - y/x)/(1 - 4xy^2)
= (2xy^3 - y)/(x - 4x^2 y^2)

again , check my steps

To differentiate the given implicit function and find dy/dx, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the given implicit function in an explicit form:
Start with the given implicit function: ln(3xy) = 2xy^2
To make it explicit, exponentiate both sides using the base e (natural logarithm) because ln and e are inverse functions:
e^(ln(3xy)) = e^(2xy^2)
3xy = e^(2xy^2)

Step 2: Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x:
To differentiate the left side, we need to apply the product rule, where u = 3x and v = y:
(d/dx)(u * v) = u * (d/dx)v + v * (d/dx)u

Differentiating the right side is a little more complex. We have e^(2xy^2), which is an exponential function with respect to x and a function of x and y. To differentiate this kind of function, we need to apply the chain rule:

(d/dx)(e^(2xy^2)) = d/dx (f(g(x))) = f'(g(x)) * g'(x)

In this case, let f(u) = e^u and g(x) = 2xy^2.
So, f'(u) = e^u (the derivative of e^u is e^u itself).
And, g'(x) = 2y * 1 (since the derivative of 2xy^2 with respect to x is 2y due to the chain rule).

Let's proceed with the differentiation:

Left side: d/dx (3xy) = 3y + 3x * (d/dx)y
Right side: d/dx (e^(2xy^2)) = e^(2xy^2) * (2y)

Step 3: Substitute the derivatives back into the equation:
3y + 3x * (d/dx)y = e^(2xy^2) * (2y)

Step 4: Solve for (d/dx)y:
Rearrange the equation to isolate (d/dx)y:
3x * (d/dx)y = e^(2xy^2) * (2y) - 3y
(d/dx)y = (e^(2xy^2) * (2y) - 3y) / (3x)

Hence, we have found the derivative of y with respect to x, (dy/dx), for the given implicit function ln(3xy) = 2xy^2:
(dy/dx) = (e^(2xy^2) * (2y) - 3y) / (3x)