1.Which of these was a precedent that George Washington set?

A. constitutional amendment process
B.formal presidential dinners
C.singing of the national anthem
D.use of a presidential cabinet

2.“The time for a new election of a citizen be president of the United States is coming soon. I should now tell you of my decision: I will not be among the candidates considered for the position” Read the paraphrase of text written by George Washington. What does this text represent?
A- Precedent of term limits, because he is threatening to resign if members of congress run for office a third time
B- precedent of term limits, because he is declining consideration for leader of the United States
C- refusal to be named king, because he is stepping down from leader ship of the US
D- sense of the ceremony of monarchy because he is making a formal address to the US

3.Which is true of both children and women during the early 1800s?
A.Most women and children lacked citizenship under the Constitution.
B.Most women and children lacked the opportunities available to adult men.
C.Most women and children were taught the basics of how to read and write.
D.Most women and children were treated like servants in their homes.

4.Veena writes an essay about Native Americans in the 1800s:

Native Americans and U.S. settlers struggled for land during the early 1800s. U.S. citizens slowly pushed Native Americans off their traditional lands. They fought wars, such as the Seminole War, for control of Louisiana. Native Americans lost these struggles and were pushed farther and farther west.

Which statement corrects a mistake in Veena's essay?

A- Native Americans usually gave up their lands voluntarily
B- The Seminole War was fought over control of Florida
C-Most Native Americans moved south, rather than west
D- U.S citizens had little interest in Native American lands.

5.What did the Adams-Onis Treaty accomplish?
A- It gave the United States rights to Mississippi River
B-It prevented FL from helping escaped slaves
C- It allowed the purchased of Florida from Spain for the United States
D- It transferred Florida back to Spain from Britain

6.Which factor helped Touissant L’Ouverture be an effective leader during the Haitian Rebellion?
A-He was wealthy and successful.
B- He was born and raised in France.
C- He was a former slave himself.
D- He owned land in several parts of Haiti.

7.Which event during John Adam’s presidency was the main reason the Federalist party began to fall apart? A- The XYZ Affair B- The Jay Treaty C- The Alien and sedition Acts D- The “Anti-federalist” speech by Thomas Jefferson

8.What was the main reason the Mississippi River was so important to the growing nation?
A- It offered a way to transport goods from the center of the continent.
B- It kept the dangerous migrating herds away from populated settlements.
C- It gave settlers a reason to explore farther to the west of their original settlements. D-It helped maintain a rigid boundary between the colonies and Native American populations.

9.What did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention do to end debate about how to elect the President? A- They decided to let Congress elect the President. B- They decided to let the people elect the President. C- They created an Electoral College to elect the President. D-They decided to let the state's governors elect the President.

10.What was a significant effect of Shays’ Rebellion? A- It forced the state government to stop taxing the farmers. B- It showed people that the Articles of Confederation was effective. C-It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed. D- It persuaded the federal government to accept crops as payment for taxes.

11.Depite great hardships, African Americans created a strong sense of culture through which of the following?
A- befriending landowners families
B-joining with indentured servants
C-trading crops with Native Americans
D-making strong family and kinship groups

12.How was the Jefferson’s Republican approach to the presidency different from that of the Federalists?
A- Republicans wanted to increase military expenses.
B- Republicans wanted to expand U.S territory westward
C- Republicans wanted to limit the role of the federal government
D- Republicans wanted to increase taxes and expand the control of the army

13.Which of the following best explains why Americans in the north and east were less supportive of the War of 1812?
A- they relied more on British trade
B- their religions prohibited them from fighting
C- They were more interested in expanding westward
D- their politics focused on resolving issues without war

14.Which of the following was the agreement that helped the Anti- federalists to finally approve the Constitution?
A- The Bill of Rights
B- The Federalists Papers
C- an Amendment about slavery
D- the rewriting of the Preamble

15.What motive did the Founding Fathers have for adding the right to bear arms into the Constitution? A- to drive up the cost of weapons and ammunition
B- to ensure that the government would have a strong national military
C- to make sure people could defend themselves against the government
D- to try to get the delegates from the southern states to ratify the Constitution

16.Which of the following is a notable influence of Native American culture on the geography of the United States?
A- Many places are named using Native American words.
B- Native Americans created safe passages through mountain areas.
C-Many of the cities today were built by Native American tribes.
D- Native Americans built many dams and changed the direction of rivers.

17.Which answer best explains how the Articles of Confederation set up governmental roles for dealing with foreign governments?
A- Congress had the power to make foreign treaties.
B-The states had the power to make foreign treaties.
C- Congress could write treaties, but they needed to be approved by the states.
D-The states could write treaties, but they needed to be approved by Congress

18.In what way did southern states try to gain more power during the constitutional convention?
A- They wanted export taxes on northern goods to increase the balance of trade.
B-They tried to have slaves counted in their population to gain more votes in Congress.
C- They argued that the Southern states needed more economic support than Northern states.
D- They argued that their economic power should give them more representation in Congress.


@Ms.Sue please check this

7. I don't know.

10. I disagree.
13. I disagree. Check your book.
16. No.

The rest of your answers are right.

Question 7: The XYZ Affair was controversial, but it can be argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts were too extreme and too unpopular. If you read your textbook, you'll find that they made it illegal to criticize the president or the government, which is antithetical to democracy. After that the Federalists, who advocated a strong national government, lost favor. The acts were eventually repealed. John Adams is one of the most interesting figures in our history, a good example of a man who made huge contributions but was not wholly successful as president. But we can argue that he was absolutely essential to the creation of the United States before he got himself elected president.

takin this test now so confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what were the answers

You were mostly right, but there were some mistakes you made. I am currently taking this test. Have an awesome day!


To answer these questions, you can use several methods.

For question 1, you can refer to historical sources or textbooks that discuss George Washington's presidency and the precedents he set. These sources will outline the various precedents, such as the use of a presidential cabinet, which is the correct answer (D).

For question 2, you should know that George Washington set the precedent of term limits by declining consideration for another term as president. This can be found in historical documents or biographies of George Washington. Thus, the correct answer is (B) precedent of term limits.

For question 3, you can use your knowledge of the early 1800s or refer to historical sources to determine the conditions of women and children during that time. The correct answer is (B) most women and children lacked the opportunities available to adult men.

For question 4, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the struggles between Native Americans and U.S. settlers in the early 1800s. The correct answer is (B) the Seminole War was fought over control of Florida.

For question 5, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the Adams-Onis Treaty and its accomplishments. The correct answer is (C) it allowed the purchase of Florida from Spain for the United States.

For question 6, you can refer to historical sources that discuss Touissant L’Ouverture and his leadership during the Haitian Rebellion. The correct answer is (C) he was a former slave himself.

For question 7, you can refer to historical sources that discuss events during John Adams' presidency and the reasons for the Federalist party falling apart. The correct answer is (C) the Alien and sedition Acts.

For question 8, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the importance of the Mississippi River to the growing nation. The correct answer is (A) it offered a way to transport goods from the center of the continent.

For question 9, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the debates and decisions of the Constitutional Convention. The correct answer is (C) they created an Electoral College to elect the President.

For question 10, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the significance of Shays’ Rebellion. The correct answer is (C) it convinced people that a strong federal government was needed.

For question 11, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the hardships faced by African Americans in creating a strong sense of culture. The correct answer is (D) making strong family and kinship groups.

For question 12, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the approaches of Thomas Jefferson's Republican party and the Federalists. The correct answer is (C) Republicans wanted to limit the role of the federal government.

For question 13, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the attitudes and interests of Americans in the north and east during the War of 1812. The correct answer is (A) they relied more on British trade.

For question 14, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the ratification of the Constitution and the concerns of the Anti-federalists. The correct answer is (A) the Bill of Rights.

For question 15, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the motives and intentions of the Founding Fathers in including the right to bear arms in the Constitution. The correct answer is (C) to make sure people could defend themselves against the government.

For question 16, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the influence of Native American culture on the geography of the United States. The correct answer is (A) many places are named using Native American words.

For question 17, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the roles and powers of the Articles of Confederation in dealing with foreign governments. The correct answer is (A) Congress had the power to make foreign treaties.

For question 18, you can refer to historical sources that discuss the debates and discussions during the constitutional convention. The correct answer is (B) they tried to have slaves counted in their population to gain more votes in Congress.