Which case did NOT involve an issue of judicial review?

A. Marbury v. Madison

B. United States v. Nixon

C. Martin v. Hunter's Lessee

D. Hammons v. Simpson

Is it D

let's see


Hmmm. How about


To determine which case did NOT involve an issue of judicial review, we need to understand what judicial review is. Judicial review is the power of the courts to review and evaluate the constitutionality of legislative and executive actions. It allows the judiciary to determine whether laws and governmental actions conform to the provisions of the Constitution.

Now, let's analyze each of the given options:

A. Marbury v. Madison: This case is widely regarded as the landmark case where judicial review was established. In this case, the Supreme Court held that it had the authority to review and declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.

B. United States v. Nixon: In this case, the Supreme Court addressed the issue of executive privilege and held that it is not absolute, ruling that President Nixon must surrender the White House tapes as evidence in the Watergate scandal. This case involved a constitutional question and the Court's review of executive actions.

C. Martin v. Hunter's Lessee: This case involved a dispute over land ownership and the application of federal law versus state law. This case also highlights the power of the Supreme Court to review state court decisions when federal law is at issue. Judicial review was involved in this case.

D. Hammons v. Simpson: Unfortunately, there is no widely known case named "Hammons v. Simpson." It is possible that this case does not exist or that the question is referring to a less significant case. Without specific information about this case, it is challenging to determine whether it involved an issue of judicial review.

Given the information provided, it is impossible to definitively identify which case did NOT involve an issue of judicial review.