I need help on a artistic response to the contemporary world im not creative i need help please im thinking to do one on war or violence

See the Related Questions below.

i don't understand what you mean

I don't understand, either. Are you supposed to create a painting, a sculpture, an opera or what? Subject matter might be violence in the name of God or Allah as in beheading Christians or westerners or tying s to fence posts to freeze to death or Westboro Baptist Church's atrocities.

When I say "See Related Questions below," I mean scroll down and read through the linked questions and answers below the words Related Questions!!

Read and think.

Creating an artistic response to the contemporary world, specifically focusing on war or violence, can be a powerful way to raise awareness and provoke thought. While creativity is subjective and varies from person to person, here are some steps and considerations to help you develop your artistic response:

1. Research and gather information: Start by researching and gathering information about the topic you wish to address. Read books, articles, and news related to war or violence, explore historical events, and examine the impact on society. This will help you gain a solid understanding of the subject matter and inform your artistic interpretation.

2. Define your message: Determine the specific message or viewpoint you want to convey through your artwork. Reflect on the emotions and ideas you want to evoke in your audience. Are you aiming to highlight the human cost of violence, advocate for peace, or shed light on a particular aspect of war? Clarifying your message will guide you in expressing it through your artistic response.

3. Choose your medium: Consider which artistic medium best suits your message and personal skills. You could opt for painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, mixed media, or even digital art. Each medium has its own unique qualities and allows for different forms of expression. Reflect on what medium resonates with you and best aligns with your artistic vision.

4. Experiment and sketch ideas: Start brainstorming and sketching potential ideas for your artwork. Don't worry about trying to create the perfect piece right away - this stage is all about exploring different possibilities. Experiment with different compositions, color palettes, and visual elements that align with your message. Allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes and learn from the process.

5. Consider symbolism and metaphor: Art often employs symbolism and metaphor to convey deeper meaning. Think about using visual metaphors or symbols that represent your intended message. For example, you could use imagery like broken chains to symbolize freedom from violence or contrast colors to portray the emotional impact of war.

6. Discuss and seek feedback: Share your ideas and sketches with friends, peers, or mentors who you trust. Collect their feedback and consider their perspectives. Discussing your artwork with others can help you refine your concept, gain new insights, and explore different approaches.

7. Create and refine: Once you have a clear idea of your artwork, start bringing it to life. Use your chosen medium to execute your vision. As you work on your piece, remember that it's okay to make changes and refine your concept. Art is an iterative process, so embrace experimentation and adaptation.

8. Reflect and share: Once your artwork is complete, take some time to reflect on the final outcome and how well it communicates your intended message. Consider sharing it with others through exhibitions, galleries, or online platforms. Engaging your audience in thoughtful discussions about war or violence can further enhance the impact of your artistic response.

Remember that artistic expression is personal, and there is no right or wrong way to approach it. Embrace your unique perspective and let it guide your creative process.