Army Major Hart is accused of stealing the payroll for his division. Which type of law would he be subject to:

A. Civil
B. Criminal
C. Military
D. Constitutional

Well, both C and D are correct, but I bet your teacher wants C

Thx! I bet this person goes to Lavilla like me... It's on our civics take-home test

This is no help which one.. I will go with C then..

The type of law that Army Major Hart would be subject to in this scenario is C. Military law.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the context of the situation. Since Army Major Hart is accused of stealing the payroll for his division, it indicates that he is a member of the military. In such cases, military personnel are subject to their own separate legal system known as military law.

Military law refers to the laws and regulations that govern members of the armed forces. It includes a unique set of rules and procedures that are specifically designed to maintain discipline, order, and justice within the military. When military personnel commit offenses or crimes, they are typically tried in military courts and subject to military justice.

In this case, Army Major Hart would face legal proceedings under military law, where the investigation and trial would follow the specific procedures established by the military justice system.