a premature baby weighs only 3 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. After 16 days in intensive care, the baby has gained 22 ounces. Measure the babys age in days and weight in ounces. Assume the baby continues to gain weight at this same rate and a month has 30 days. What could be a possible algebraic expression?

clearly the baby has gained 22/16 oz/day.

So, starting with the birth weight of 50 oz, add that much for each day.

And what does the no. of days in a month have to do with anything?


Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

1. A premature baby weighs only 3 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. This can be expressed as 3 pounds + 2 ounces, which is equivalent to 48 ounces (since there are 16 ounces in a pound).

2. After 16 days in intensive care, the baby has gained 22 ounces. Therefore, the baby's weight after 16 days is 48 ounces + 22 ounces, which is 70 ounces.

3. Now, we need to find the baby's weight after a month, which is 30 days. We are told to assume that the baby continues to gain weight at the same rate. So, to find the weight after 30 days, we can set up a proportion:

16 days = 22 ounces
30 days = x ounces

This can be written as: 16/22 = 30/x

Solving this proportion, we can cross-multiply and get: 16x = 22 * 30
Dividing both sides by 16, we find: x = (22 * 30) / 16
Simplifying, x ≈ 41.25

Therefore, after 30 days (a month), the baby's weight could be approximately 41.25 ounces.

Now, let's put all of this information into a possible algebraic expression:

Let's define "w" as the initial weight of the baby (in ounces).
The equation can be written as:

Weight (in ounces) = w + (22/16) * t

Where t represents the number of days in intensive care.

To find the weight after 30 days (a month), we substitute t = 30 into the equation:

Weight (in ounces) = w + (22/16) * 30

Simplifying further:

Weight (in ounces) = w + (1.375) * 30

Weight (in ounces) = w + 41.25

Therefore, the possible algebraic expression is "Weight (in ounces) = w + 41.25".