Write y=-3/5x-2 in standard form using Integers.

What standard form are you supposed to use?

Ax+By=C or Ax+By+C=0?

Good work! That's correct

To rewrite the equation y = -3/5x - 2 in standard form using integers, we need to eliminate the fraction and move all the terms to one side of the equation.

Step 1: Multiply the entire equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction.

5 * y = 5 * (-3/5x) - 5 * 2

This simplifies to:

5y = -3x - 10

Step 2: Move the terms to one side of the equation to get rid of the negative sign in front of the x term.

3x + 5y = -10

Therefore, the standard form of the equation y = -3/5x - 2 using integers is 3x + 5y = -10.

I think the Answer is 3x+5y=-10