The conflict perspective sees laws as:

A. tools of the disenfranchised.

B. a means of control.

C. fair and equal.

D. None of the above

Is it D?

I disagree.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and the options provided.

The question asks how the conflict perspective sees laws. The conflict perspective is a sociological theory that emphasizes how society is characterized by conflict and inequality, particularly between different social groups.

Now let's evaluate each option:

A. Tools of the disenfranchised: This option suggests that laws are seen as instruments used by those who lack power or rights. This aligns with the conflict perspective's focus on power dynamics and the idea that laws may be used to maintain or challenge societal inequalities.

B. A means of control: This option suggests that laws are perceived as a way to exert control over individuals or groups. This also aligns with the conflict perspective's emphasis on power struggles and the belief that laws may serve the interests of dominant groups.

C. Fair and equal: This option states that laws are seen as just and equitable. However, the conflict perspective views laws as potentially reflecting the interests of the powerful and perpetuating inequality. Therefore, this option does not align with the conflict perspective.

D. None of the above: This option suggests that none of the provided options accurately represents the conflict perspective's view of laws.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the conflict perspective does not see laws as fair and equal, so option C is incorrect. The conflict perspective views laws as tools used by the disenfranchised or as a means of control, meaning that either option A or B could be correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is D, "None of the above."