What is 0.5 million in scientific notation? 2 thousandths, 1095 millionths?

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course! I'll explain how to convert these numbers into scientific notation.

Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers that are either very large or very small. It consists of two parts: a coefficient and an exponent of 10.

To convert 0.5 million to scientific notation:
1. Start by writing the coefficient, which is obtained by moving the decimal point to a position such that there is only one nonzero digit to the left of it. In this case, the coefficient is 5.
2. The exponent of 10 is determined by the number of times you moved the decimal point. Since you moved it 6 places to the left to convert million to the base unit, the exponent is -6.
3. Combining the coefficient and exponent, you get 5 x 10^(-6). Therefore, 0.5 million in scientific notation is 5 x 10^(-6).

To convert 2 thousandths to scientific notation:
1. In this case, the coefficient is 2.
2. Since you moved the decimal point 3 places to the right to convert thousandths to the base unit, the exponent is 3.
3. Combining the coefficient and exponent, you get 2 x 10^(3). Therefore, 2 thousandths in scientific notation is 2 x 10^(3).

To convert 1095 millionths to scientific notation:
1. The coefficient is 1.095.
2. Moving the decimal point 6 places to the left, the exponent is -6.
3. Combining the coefficient and exponent, you get 1.095 x 10^(-6). Therefore, 1095 millionths in scientific notation is 1.095 x 10^(-6).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.