grace roller skates with a constant speed of 13 km/h. How long will she take to travel a distance of 27 kilometers?

27 / 13 = 2.08 hours or about 2 hours and 5 minutes

To calculate the time it will take for Grace to travel a distance of 27 kilometers with a constant speed of 13 km/h, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

In this case, the distance is 27 kilometers and the speed is 13 km/h. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Time = 27 km / 13 km/h

To find the answer, divide 27 by 13:

Time = 2.077 hours

Therefore, it will take approximately 2.077 hours (or 2 hours and 4.6 minutes) for Grace to travel a distance of 27 kilometers.