IS their a caculator online that does order of operations?

I think the calculator on Google will do that.

Not that I know of, for basic algebra questions like have been asking. You really need to learn to do it without an online calculator, if you want to learn algebra at all.

Do the operations indicated in parentheses first, and (if there are multiple parentheses or brackets), do the "inside" ones first.

For example

= {(x-1)(x-1)/[(x-1)(x+1)]}^2
= [(x-1)/(x+1)]^2

Yes, there are many online calculators that can perform calculations using the order of operations. One popular option is the Wolfram Alpha website ( It is a powerful computational engine that can solve complex math problems. To use it for order of operations calculations, you can simply visit the website, enter your expression into the search bar, and click "Calculate" or press Enter. Wolfram Alpha will then perform the necessary calculations using the correct order of operations.