There are cases where the Rasul did not spell out specific criteria for a certain condition/situation.For example the minimum distance travelled to qualify as a musafir.In this instant,for example would the criteria to be a traveller depends what the uruf of the society regards the condition of a traveller.Or would it depends on the individual judgment and situation i.e. if he travels in a comfortable car, the distance to qualify as a musafir would be much further than if he travels by foot.

In cases where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not provide specific criteria for a certain condition or situation, such as the minimum distance traveled to qualify as a musafir (traveler), scholars have derived rulings based on various sources of Islamic jurisprudence.

The concept of musafir is derived from the hadith literature, where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned different distances for different rulings, such as "traveling for three days and their nights" or "traveling for two days and their nights." Scholars have analyzed these narrations and used them to establish thresholds for determining the status of a traveler.

However, it is important to note that the specific distances mentioned in the hadith are not the only factors considered. Other factors, such as the intention for travel, the mode of transportation, and the customs and societal norms of the community, are taken into account as well.

For example, if someone is traveling by a comfortable car, the distance required to be considered a musafir may be further than if they were traveling by foot. This is because the ease and convenience of modern transportation methods may allow for longer distances to be traveled within the same time frame.

In cases where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not provide specific criteria, scholars often refer to the general principles of Islamic jurisprudence and derive rulings based on the objectives and teachings of Islam. They consider the individual's intention, circumstances, and societal customs to determine the appropriate criteria for different situations.

It is worth mentioning that differing opinions may exist among scholars regarding specific thresholds for being considered a musafir. In matters like this, it is recommended to consult with qualified scholars who have a deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence to derive the most accurate rulings based on the specific circumstances.