proofread- thanks!

revelado a Dali en un sueno. Esto tambien acentua que no era los clavos que sostenian a Cristo en la cruz, pero su amor para la gente.

Here's a proofread version of your text:

"Revelado a Dalí en un sueño. Esto también acentúa que no fueron los clavos los que sostenían a Cristo en la cruz, sino su amor por la gente."

In order to proofread your text, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Start by reading the text sentence by sentence. Look for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, or any other issues that may need correction.

2. Pay attention to verb tenses: Make sure the verb tenses are used correctly and consistently throughout the text. In this particular sentence, the verb "sostenían" agrees with "los clavos" in the past tense.

3. Check for proper word usage and agreement: Review the words used in the text and make sure they are appropriate in terms of meaning and agreement. For example, "acentúa" is the appropriate form of the verb "acentuar" in this context.

4. Verify punctuation and capitalization: Check if there are any missing or incorrect punctuation marks such as commas, periods, or question marks. Additionally, make sure that capitalization is correct.

5. Consider the context: While proofreading, keep in mind the overall meaning and clarity of the text. Ensure that the sentence structure is clear and that the intended message is conveyed effectively.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your text is error-free and effectively conveys your message.