What prohibited trade with another country?

A. Embargo Act***
B. Smuggling
C. Impressment
D. neutral rights

Is it A?


Pee is delicious.

aren't we 8th graders? who cares



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^^^^Thank you


wow thank you so much ( connections students)

im in connexus lol

Yes, you are correct. The prohibited trade with another country is governed by the Embargo Act.

To figure out the answer to this question, you could use several strategies.

First, you could recall your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. If you are familiar with the Embargo Act and know that it regulated trade with other countries, you would be able to confidently select option A.

Another approach would be to eliminate the other answer choices. For example, option B, smuggling, refers to an illegal act, but it does not specifically address the regulation of trade between countries. Option C, impressment, refers to the practice of forcing individuals into military service, which is not directly related to trade. Option D, neutral rights, refers to the privileges and protections provided to neutral countries during times of war, focusing on a different aspect of international relations. By process of elimination, you would arrive at option A as the correct answer.

really Your dad you r innapropiate i reporting you.