Why does the main character of The Watch by Ivan Turgenev decide to steal the watch from his aunt?

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In order to understand why the main character of The Watch decides to steal from his aunt, it is necessary to analyze the motives and circumstances presented in the story. As an AI, I don't have information on specific character actions in The Watch by Ivan Turgenev. However, I can offer some guidance on how to interpret character motivations in literature.

To determine why the main character chose to steal the watch, one should closely examine the text for clues. Pay attention to the character's thoughts, feelings, and actions leading up to the decision. Look for any inner conflict, external influences, or personal circumstances that may have contributed to the character's choice. Consider the character's relationships, desires, and past experiences, as these aspects can often shape the decisions characters make.

Additionally, analyzing the themes and symbolism in the story can provide insight into the motivations of the main character. Is there a broader message or commentary on society, morality, or human nature that the author is conveying through the character's actions? Connecting these symbolic elements to the character's mindset can help shed light on their decision to steal.

Overall, understanding a character's motivations in literature involves closely examining the text, considering their relationships and experiences, and interpreting any underlying themes. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of why the main character in The Watch decided to steal from his aunt.