I'm writing a thesis/research paper on how all animals play an important role on the environment. I'm trying to narrow my paper down on an endangered species but I'm having trouble deciding/thinking of a species that play IMPORTANT roles (ie.- honeybees). Except I cannot choose honeybees as my topic. My intro paragraph is as follows (subject to change):

[Throughout the world, you will find several animal species that are hanging onto the threads of their lives. The extinction of animal species affects us on aspects that we may not consider. There are more to these animals than just their “rarity”. All forms of life are intertwined with each other, playing crucial roles our ecosystems. By allowing animal species to face extinction, you are slowly destroying your own planet. ]

I need help narrowing my paper down to one specific animal/plant species in order to strengthen it.

I suggest you research a few of these animals and decide which is most suitable for your paper.


Choosing a specific endangered species to focus on for your thesis/research paper requires careful consideration. To help you narrow down your topic and strengthen your paper, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Identify your research interests: Think about which aspects of the environment you find most fascinating or concerning. Are you interested in the impact of species on local ecosystems, climate change, habitat loss, food chains, or other related topics?

2. Research available information: Look for comprehensive and reliable sources such as scientific journals, conservation reports, and reputable environmental organizations to gain an understanding of different endangered species and their roles in the ecosystem.

3. Consider different criteria: Think beyond charismatic or well-known species like honeybees. Delve into lesser-known or overlooked organisms that play significant roles in their habitats. You could consider plants, insects, marine creatures, birds, or mammals, depending on your interests and the ecosystems you would like to explore.

4. Assess the importance and uniqueness of the species: Consider the distinct ecological roles and dependencies of the species you come across. Look for evidence of their impact on ecosystem functions, such as pollination, seed dispersion, soil enrichment, or predator-prey relationships.

5. Evaluate conservation status: Determine which species are classified as critically endangered or endangered according to reliable conservation organizations like the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Prioritize species that are most at risk and need immediate attention.

6. Reflect on personal interest: Once you have gathered information on various species, reflect on which one resonates with you the most. Which species aligns with your research interests and offers a unique perspective for your thesis?

By following these steps, you should be able to find a suitable species to focus on for your paper. Remember, the chosen species should have a clear and important role in the environment, and studying it should contribute to a better understanding of the intricate relationships within ecosystems.