A recipe calls for 4 part club soda to 3 part juice, how much juice is needed for 32 Oz of club soda?


4/3 = 32/x

4x = 96

x = 24 oz

there are 3+4 = 7 parts

or we could say

3/4 = Juice /(32-juice)

To find out how much juice is needed for 32 oz of club soda, we need to determine the ratio of club soda to juice and then apply that ratio to the given amount of club soda.

According to the recipe, the ratio is 4 parts club soda to 3 parts juice. This means that for every 4 units of club soda, we need 3 units of juice.

To find the amount of juice needed for 32 oz of club soda, we can set up a proportion:

4 parts club soda / 3 parts juice = 32 oz club soda / x oz juice

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4 * x = 3 * 32

4x = 96

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 24

Therefore, 24 oz of juice is needed for 32 oz of club soda.