Which suffix would be used in a term pertaining to a meal?


You'd get quicker and more accurate answers by looking up these suffixes in a dictionary.

To determine which suffix would be used in a term pertaining to a meal, we need to understand the meanings of the given suffix options and how they relate to meal-related terms.

A. -EMESIS: This suffix is used to indicate vomiting or the act of vomiting. It does not relate to a meal.

B. -RRHEA: This suffix is used to indicate excessive or abnormal discharge or flow. It does not relate to a meal.

C. -TRIPSY: This suffix is used to indicate a surgical or medical procedure to crush or break down something. It does not relate to a meal.

D. -PRANDIAL: This suffix is derived from the Latin word "prandium," meaning meal. It is used to describe something that is related to a meal or occurs during a mealtime.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. -PRANDIAL. This suffix is commonly used in medical terms to describe conditions or events that occur during or after a meal.