Which of the following statements descibes the political climate in Boston after April 20, 1775?

A. Bostians find themselvs at odds with colonists in the other colonies as a result of the conflict in Lexington.
B. Despite the lost of life in Lexington, Governor Gage continues to be a conciliatory and lenient presence in Boston.
C. After shots are fited in Lexington and concord, the conflict between England and the colonies escalates, and war breaks out.
D. Whigs and Torie manage to find common ground and unite against the British at Lexington.
Is the answer A?

1. C

2. B
3. C

@Ms.Sue IS mean because, I have that same question in social studies which does not require a book. so before making accusations against her ask her if its for a book. I no longer seek Ms.Sues help because, of her poor attitude and lack of knowledge sometimes when it comes to certain things so I apologize cassie not everyone is like this here. The answer is C :)


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Haha you made it \._.s noice

I don't know if this helps but the answer is C. The book she wants you to read is "Johnny Tremain"

Wow Ms. Sue is mean

LOL, I bet Ms. Sue was like D:< cause Maro gave away the answer! LOL! Thanks Marco! :P

^^ @Pacman is correct

I don't know what book u expect me to read, as I have no book. Have only posted this question once so I don't understand.


lol to the whole conversation here

who else just comes to this site to read all the crazy things people say