Which of the following is an accessory organ of the integumentary system?

To determine which of the following is an accessory organ of the integumentary system, we first need to understand what the integumentary system consists of. The integumentary system is made up of the skin and its appendages, such as hair, nails, and glands.

Therefore, the accessory organ of the integumentary system among the following options would be:

1. Liver: The liver is not an accessory organ of the integumentary system. It is part of the digestive system and plays a crucial role in metabolism and detoxification.

2. Kidney: The kidney is also not an accessory organ of the integumentary system. It is part of the urinary system and is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood.

3. Sweat gland: The sweat gland is an accessory organ of the integumentary system. It is responsible for producing sweat, which helps regulate body temperature.

4. Stomach: The stomach is not an accessory organ of the integumentary system. It is part of the digestive system and aids in the breakdown of food.

Therefore, the correct answer is the sweat gland.