Which best describes the underlined group of words?

A string of colored lights edged the deck.

misplaced modifier

adverb phrase

adjective phrase

appositive phrase

Which words are underlined?

To determine the best answer, let's review each option and understand their definitions:

A. Misplaced Modifier: This occurs when a modifier is in the wrong position, leading to confusion, usually modifying the wrong word.

B. Adverb Phrase: A group of words that functions as an adverb, providing additional information about a verb, adjective, or adverb.

C. Adjective Phrase: A group of words that functions as an adjective, modifying a noun or pronoun.

D. Appositive Phrase: A phrase that renames or identifies a noun or pronoun that comes immediately before or after it.

Looking at the underlined group of words, "of colored lights," it functions as a descriptor for the noun "string." It tells us what kind of string it is. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Adjective Phrase because the group of words works as an adjective, modifying the noun "string."