A sales clerk at a local deli made the chart below for popular lunch combinations. What is the individual price for a salad?

Lunch Pricing Combinations
1 Sandwich + Salad= $8.70
2 Sandwiches + Salad= $13.45

A. $3.25
B. $3.95
C. $4.25
D. $4.75

subtract your equations:

1 Sandwich = 4.75

in the 1st:
4.75 + Salad = 8.7
salad = 3.95

To find the individual price for a salad, we'll need to use the information provided in the chart.

Let's consider the first combination: 1 Sandwich + Salad = $8.70.

Since we want to find the price for a salad only, we need to subtract the price of the sandwich from this combination.

Let's assume the price of the sandwich is X.

Therefore, the equation would be X + Salad = $8.70.

Similarly, for the second combination: 2 Sandwiches + Salad = $13.45.

Using the same logic, we can assume the price of two sandwiches to be Y.

So the equation becomes Y + Salad = $13.45.

To find the individual price for a salad, we need to subtract the equation for one sandwich from the equation for two sandwiches.

(Y + Salad) - (X + Salad) = $13.45 - $8.70

This simplifies to Y - X = $4.75

Now, looking at the answer options provided:

A. $3.25
B. $3.95
C. $4.25
D. $4.75

We can see that option D, $4.75, matches our calculated result.

Therefore, the individual price for a salad is $4.75.