Should there be periods for a bulleted list?

But each bullet is like a sentence not just a single word

If each bulleted item is a sentence, then yes, a period is needed at the end of each.

If each bulleted item is not a complete sentence, no periods are needed.

Just make sure your bulleted list is all the same -- all sentences or all phrases of the same type or ??


When it comes to using periods in a bulleted list, it largely depends on the context and personal preference.

1. Consistency: The key factor to consider is consistency. If you choose to use periods at the end of one bullet point, it's generally recommended to use them for all the bullets within the list. Maintaining consistency helps create a visually uniform and professional appearance.

2. Sentence fragments vs. complete sentences: Bulleted lists often consist of sentence fragments rather than complete sentences. In such cases, using periods at the end of each fragment may not be necessary. This style is known as "symbolic bullets" and is commonly used in lists where each point is short and concise.

3. Complete sentences: If your bulleted list consists of complete sentences, it becomes more appropriate to use periods at the end of each bullet point. This style is known as "semantic bullets" and is often used in formal writing or when the list is part of a larger sentence structure.

Ultimately, the decision to use periods in a bulleted list is dependent on your writing style, the purpose of the list, and the desired visual presentation.