What is a linear foot?

A foot measure that goes in a straight line -- that is, 12" -- as opposed to a square foot or a cubic foot.

A linear foot is a straight line. A 2" by 4" by 6' is six linear feet long. Check this site for more information.


A linear foot, often abbreviated as "lin. ft.", is a unit of measurement used to measure length in a straight line. It is commonly used in various industries such as construction, home improvement, and woodworking.

To understand what a linear foot is, imagine a straight line that measures one foot in length. A linear foot refers to the measurement along this line. It is different from square footage, which measures the area of a two-dimensional space, or cubic footage, which measures a three-dimensional volume.

Typically, the term "linear foot" is used when measuring items that are sold or priced by length, such as lumber, pipes, cables, countertops, and flooring materials. For example, if you need to purchase lumber for a project and the supplier quotes a price of $3 per linear foot, it means you would pay $3 for each foot of length.

To calculate the total cost or quantity of a material in linear feet, simply measure the length you need in feet and multiply it by the price or quantity per linear foot provided by the supplier. This calculation allows you to determine the specific length required and estimate the associated cost or quantity accurately.