How has the political climate of boston changed since the beginning of the book?

A. Previously, Bostonians considered themeselves loyal british subjects, but after parliament pass the tea act, they thought of themeselves as citizens of an independent nation
B. Previously, Bostonians put up with british rules, but when parliament levied more and more taxes on the colonists l, the Whigs of boston rebelled
C. Previously, Bostonians were united with colonists living in other colonies, but after the boston tea party, colonists everywhere saw Bostonians as troublemakers (THIS ONE)
D. Previously, Bostonians wanted a representative in parliament, but after the passage of the tea act, the decided they did not want anything to do with parliament

the answers are:


I disagree.

What does the book say?

It's B

help....plz? is correct

To determine how the political climate of Boston has changed since the beginning of the book, you would need to analyze the events and developments mentioned in the book. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Read the book thoroughly and identify key events and moments that relate to the political climate of Boston.
2. Look for information about Bostonians' attitudes and behaviors before and after these events.
3. Pay attention to how the book portrays the Bostonians' relationship with British rule, their desires for representation, and their reactions to taxation and other policies imposed by Parliament.
4. Compare the initial state of Boston's political climate mentioned in the book with the current state.
5. Look for supporting evidence or indications in the book that point to a specific change in the political climate of Boston.

Based on the given options, it seems that option C is the correct answer. According to the provided option C, the book suggests that Bostonians were previously united with colonists living in other colonies, but after the Boston Tea Party, colonists everywhere saw Bostonians as troublemakers. This indicates a change in the perception of Bostonians and a shift in the political climate surrounding Boston.

However, it is important to note that this answer is specific to the information provided in the options. Reading the book and researching further would provide a more comprehensive understanding of how the political climate in Boston has changed over time.