Why do i get tired easily during an not so intense game like basketball and badminton.

Is there something i am doing wrong that is making me get tired quick or is just my health conditions? Because i have good health.

Also how can i run fast without getting cramps fast and tiredness

by breathing through you nose not your mouth.

There could be a few reasons why you might feel tired easily during relatively less intense physical activities like basketball and badminton, even if you consider yourself to have good health. Let's explore some possible factors:

1. Lack of cardiovascular fitness: Basketball and badminton require a significant amount of cardiovascular endurance. If you haven't been engaging in regular aerobic exercises or haven't trained specifically for these sports, your cardiovascular fitness might not be adequate, causing you to tire quickly.

2. Insufficient energy levels: It's essential to have enough fuel in the form of carbohydrates and calories to sustain your energy during physical activities. If you haven't consumed enough food or have poor eating habits before playing, you might experience fatigue more quickly.

3. Poor hydration: Dehydration can lead to fatigue and muscle cramps. It's crucial to maintain proper hydration before, during, and after exercise to optimize your performance and reduce the risk of cramping.

4. Insufficient rest and recovery: If you are not allowing enough time for rest and recovery between games or training sessions, your body might not be fully recovered, resulting in early fatigue.

To improve your endurance and reduce fatigue during physical activities, here are some tips:

1. Gradually increase physical activity: Start by gradually increasing your workout intensity and duration to build cardiovascular endurance. Engaging in regular aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming can assist in improving your overall stamina.

2. Maintain a well-balanced diet: Consume a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates for energy, lean proteins for muscle repair, and healthy fats. Eating a meal or snack rich in carbohydrates a couple of hours before physical activity can provide you with sustained energy levels.

3. Stay hydrated: Ensure you drink enough water before, during, and after your physical activity. It's recommended to drink water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration levels.

4. Incorporate strength training: Including strength training exercises in your workout routine can help improve overall muscular endurance and reduce fatigue during activities.

5. Get adequate rest: Allow yourself enough time to rest and recover between games or training sessions. Adequate sleep is also crucial for optimal performance and muscle recovery.

If you continue to experience persistent fatigue or have concerns about your health, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a sports medicine specialist for further evaluation and personalized advice.