Jennifer's basketball team played 18 games this season, and they won twice as many games as they lost. How many games did they lose?

2x + x = 18

x = 6

Lost 6
Won 12

To find out how many games Jennifer's basketball team lost, we need to first determine how many games they won.

If they won twice as many games as they lost, the number of games they won would be double the number of games they lost.

Let's assume they lost x games.

Therefore, they won 2x games (twice the number of games lost).

The total number of games can be represented as the sum of games won and games lost:

Total games = Games won + Games lost

Since they played 18 games in total, we can write the equation as:

18 = 2x + x

Simplifying the equation:

18 = 3x

To find x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 3:

18/3 = x
6 = x

Therefore, Jennifer's basketball team lost 6 games.