If all of the followinf operations are present in a math calculation, which of them should always be done first?

a. multiplication
b. exponents
c. brackets
d. addition

I believe the answer is c.

c. (I am assuming that they consider parentheses a form of brackets)

Inner parentheses must be done before outer brackets.

You should to C first, followed by B, A, and then D.

The, simplified, order is Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (whichever comes first from left to right) and finally Addition and Subtraction (whichever comes first from left to right).

To determine the order of operations in a math calculation, you can use the acronym PEMDAS, which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

According to PEMDAS, the calculation should be done in the following order:
1. Brackets (parentheses): Any calculations within brackets should always be done first.
2. Exponents: Any calculations involving exponents should be performed next.
3. Multiplication and Division: These operations should be done from left to right.
4. Addition and Subtraction: Lastly, these operations should be performed from left to right.

Given the options:
a. multiplication
b. exponents
c. brackets
d. addition

Based on the order of operations, brackets (c) should always be done first before any other operation. Therefore, the answer is indeed c.