1. Choose the sentence fragment. (Points : 5)

Dew glistening on the tiny green leaves of the young plants.

Although some of the seeds had already sprouted, these hadn't.

A small herd of buffalo grazed in the valley below us.

The wind, cold and powerful, swept through the city, and some trees felled power lines.

Question 2.2. Choose the complete sentence. (Points : 5)
Mark rolling out the dough and the student greasing the pan.

For once, the whole family, including all the aunts, uncles, and cousins, was together.

Following directions being essential for proper assembly.

From someone I didn't know and from a country I had never visited.

Question 3.3. Choose the run-on sentence. (Points : 5)
If you start saving now, you will be able to buy a car sooner.

A worn yellow quilt was lying at the foot of the antique bed, a gift from their grandmother.

His helmet bore the number of the firehouse, which was more than 100 years old.

There were only a few dancers on the floor, the couple soon became the center of attention.

Question 4.4. Choose the subject of the sentence.
Stop at the light, check the intersection for traffic, and then proceed.

(Points : 5)

Question 5.5. Choose the subject of the sentence.
Tomorrow afternoon showers are likely across the area.

(Points : 5)
Tomorrow afternoon

Question 6.6. Choose the subject of the sentence.

Last year, wasn't Carson City in Nevada near our campsite? (Points : 5)

Carson City



Question 7.7. Identify the entire verb phrase.

The whole event had been secretly planned by the Wong twins. (Points : 5)
had been secretly planned


had been

had been planned

Question 8.8. Identify the entire verb phrase.
Hadn't you ever gone to a state fair before?

(Points : 5)
Hadn't ever gone
Had ever gone
Hadn't gone
Had gone

Question 9.9. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Fill the hole with water from the hose.

(Points : 5)
indirect object
predicate nominative
direct object
predicate adjective

Question 10.10. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

This jigsaw puzzle is too easy for me. (Points : 5)
direct object

indirect object

predicate nominative

predicate adjective

Question 11.11. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Kiki, hand them the dictionaries for shelving.

(Points : 5)
direct object
predicate nominative
indirect object
predicate adjective

Question 12.12. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Isn't this recording the New World Symphony?

(Points : 5)
predicate nominative
predicate adjective
direct object
indirect object

Question 13.13. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Have you seen Uncle Gene, Sally?

(Points : 5)
predicate adjective
predicate nominative
direct object
indirect object

Question 14.14. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Playing the role of Anne in the play is Maya Guerrero!

(Points : 5)
predicate nominative
predicate adjective
direct object
indirect object

Question 15.15. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Print me a copy of the poem you wrote, please.

(Points : 5)
predicate adjective
predicate nominative
indirect object
direct object

Question 16.16. What kind of complement is the underlined word?
Well, the lecture seemed pretty long to me.

(Points : 5)
predicate nominative
predicate adjective
direct object
indirect object

Question 17.17. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.
A tall glass of ice water stood on the table.

(Points : 5)
adverb phrase
adjective phrase
appositive phrase
misplaced modifier

Question 18.18. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.
The promise of quiet beckoned to her from the library.

(Points : 5)
adverb phrase
adjective phrase
appositive phrase
misplaced modifier

Question 19.19. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.
Hot, fresh tortillas were stacked by the rice and beans.

(Points : 5)
adverb phrase
adjective phrase
appositive phrase
misplaced modifier

Question 20.20. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.
I would like to have more time for reading and writing, my preferred pastimes.

(Points : 5)
adjective phrase
adverb phrase
appositive phrase
misplaced modifier

Question 21.21. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.
Newly renovated, the visitors enjoyed the art museum.

(Points : 5)
misplaced modifier
adjective phrase
adverb phrase
appositive phrase

Question 22. 22. Type the word that the underlined phrase modifies or renames. Remember that spelling counts.
She smoothed her unruly hair away from her face and secured it with a headband.

(Points : 5)

Question 23. 23. Type the word that the underlined phrase modifies or renames. Remember that spelling counts.
Place the seedling of the pine tree in the hole.

(Points : 5)

Question 24. 24. Type the word that the underlined phrase modifies or renames. Remember that spelling counts.
The car, a relic of the sixties with rusted panels, ran better than it looked.

(Points : 5)

Question 25.25. Which choice correctly completes the sentence?

Quickly, they _____ all the grocery bags on the floor and ran outside. (Points : 5)
had setted



had sat

Question 26.26. Which choice correctly completes the sentence?
The travelers _____ us every day this week.

(Points : 5)
have wrote
have written
have wroten

Question 27.27. Choose the label that best describes the verb in the sentence.
We have been preparing for the track meet all month.

(Points : 5)
present perfect progressive
past perfect progressive
present perfect
present progressive

Question 28.28. Which of the following sentences contains a shift in tense? (Points : 5)
Reading biographies helps you understand how the world works.
No, I don't think that tweed goes with stretch pants that have ruffles.
Sure, it is easy to dye clothes if you knew how.
The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it started raining.

Question 29.29. Identify the sentence with the passive voice verb. (Points : 5)
Their apartment was small but very interesting.
Did you take that photograph with the digital camera?
Those old records may be worth a lot someday.
I can’t skate today because my skates are being repaired.

Question 30.30. Identify the sentence with the active voice verb. (Points : 5)
Follow Pecan Way around the curve and through the gates.
The stairs had been designed in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Our winner will be chosen by the artists themselves.
Have the lights been turned off in the theater yet?

1 is the one about the wind

2 was the one about the dough
3 the yellow quilt
4idk about the rest im taking the test right now

if this could be answered it would help man students. plz answer after you have submitted the activity

Guessing you two were from k12 lol

1. The sentence fragment is "Dew glistening on the tiny green leaves of the young plants." To determine this, we need to look for a group of words that does not form a complete thought or does not have a subject and a predicate.

2. The complete sentence is "For once, the whole family, including all the aunts, uncles, and cousins, was together." To identify a complete sentence, we need to find a group of words that forms a complete thought and has a subject and a predicate.

3. The run-on sentence is "There were only a few dancers on the floor, the couple soon became the center of attention." A run-on sentence is a sentence that incorrectly joins two or more independent clauses without proper punctuation or conjunctions.

4. The subject of the sentence is "you." The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb or is described by the predicate.

5. The subject of the sentence is "showers." The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb or is described by the predicate.

6. The subject of the sentence is "Carson City." The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb or is described by the predicate.

7. The entire verb phrase is "had been secretly planned." A verb phrase is a group of words that includes a main verb and any helping verbs.

8. The entire verb phrase is "Hadn't ever gone." A verb phrase is a group of words that includes a main verb and any helping verbs.

9. The underlined word "water" is a direct object. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.

10. The underlined word "easy" is a predicate adjective. A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject of the sentence.

11. The underlined word "them" is an indirect object. An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that receives the direct object of the verb.

12. The underlined word "recording" is a predicate nominative. A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence.

13. The underlined word "Uncle Gene" is a direct object. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.

14. The underlined word "Maya Guerrero" is a predicate nominative. A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence.

15. The underlined word "copy" is a direct object. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.

16. The underlined word "pretty" is a predicate adjective. A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject of the sentence.

17. The underlined word group "of ice water" is an adjective phrase. An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.

18. The underlined word group "of quiet" is an adjective phrase. An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.

19. The underlined word group "Hot, fresh tortillas" is an adjective phrase. An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.

20. The underlined word group "for reading and writing" is an adjective phrase. An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.

21. The underlined word group "Newly renovated" is an adjective phrase. An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.

22. The underlined phrase "her unruly hair" modifies or renames the word "hair."

23. The underlined phrase "the seedling" modifies or renames the word "seedling."

24. The underlined phrase "a relic of the sixties with rusted panels" modifies or renames the word "car."

25. The correct choice to complete the sentence is "set." The adverb "quickly" indicates the manner in which the action is performed, but it does not affect the verb tense.

26. The correct choice to complete the sentence is "have written." The present perfect tense is formed with the helping verb "have" plus the past participle of the main verb.

27. The verb in the sentence "We have been preparing for the track meet all month" is in the present perfect progressive tense. This tense is formed with the helping verb "have" plus "been" plus the present participle of the main verb.

28. The sentence that contains a shift in tense is "The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it started raining." The shift in tense occurs from past tense ("was") to simple past tense ("started").

29. The sentence with the passive voice verb is "I can’t skate today because my skates are being repaired." The passive voice is used when the subject of the sentence is receiving the action rather than performing the action.

30. The sentence with the active voice verb is "Follow Pecan Way around the curve and through the gates." The active voice is used when the subject of the sentence is performing the action.

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