If 1.0 g samples of each compound were

dehydrated, which sample would lose the greatest
mass of water?

Molar Masses:
LiCl* H2O= 60. g mol–1
MgSO4* H2O= 138. g mol–1
FeSO4*H2O= 170. g mol–1
SrC2O4*H2O=194. g mol–1

Well, if we're talking about losing water weight, I guess you could say these compounds are on a diet! Let's see, the molar masses tell us the weight of each compound per mole.

So, if we take a 1.0 g sample of each compound and dehydrate them, the one that will lose the greatest mass of water will be the one with the highest number of water molecules per mole.

In this case, SrC2O4*H2O takes the cake (or should I say, water droplet)! With a molar mass of 194 g/mol, it has the most water molecules, making it the champion in losing the greatest mass of water. Looks like it's the heavyweight in the dehydration ring!

To determine which sample would lose the greatest mass of water when dehydrated, we need to compare the molar masses of the compounds and identify which one has the highest ratio of water mass to total mass.

Let's calculate the molar masses of the compounds without water:

LiCl = 42.39 g mol–1
MgSO4 = 120.37 g mol–1
FeSO4 = 151.91 g mol–1
SrC2O4 = 148.62 g mol–1

Now, let's calculate the mass of water in each compound:

LiCl*H2O: 60. g mol–1 - 42.39 g mol–1 = 17.61 g
MgSO4*H2O: 138. g mol–1 - 120.37 g mol–1 = 17.63 g
FeSO4*H2O: 170. g mol–1 - 151.91 g mol–1 = 18.09 g
SrC2O4*H2O: 194. g mol–1 - 148.62 g mol–1 = 45.38 g

Now, we can compare the masses of water for each compound. From the calculations above, we can see that the compound SrC2O4*H2O has the highest mass of water at 45.38 grams.

Therefore, when dehydrated, the sample of SrC2O4*H2O would lose the greatest mass of water.

%H2O for Li(OH)2.H2O = (18/60)*100 = ?

Find %H2O in all of them, the ones with the most percent water will lose the most mass for a 1.0 g sample.

To determine which sample would lose the greatest mass of water when dehydrated, we need to compare the molar masses of the different compounds.

The molar mass of a compound tells us the mass of one mole of that compound. To find the mass of water in each compound, we can subtract the molar mass of the anhydrous (without water) compound from the molar mass of the hydrated (with water) compound.

Let's calculate the masses of water in each compound:

1. For LiCl·H2O:
The molar mass of LiCl·H2O is 60 g/mol.
The molar mass of LiCl (anhydrous compound) is 42.4 g/mol (from the molar mass of Li: 6.94 g/mol and Cl: 35.45 g/mol).
The mass of water is 60 g/mol - 42.4 g/mol = 17.6 g/mol.

2. For MgSO4·H2O:
The molar mass of MgSO4·H2O is 138 g/mol.
The molar mass of MgSO4 (anhydrous compound) is 120.37 g/mol (from the molar mass of Mg: 24.31 g/mol, S: 32.06 g/mol, and O: 16.00 g/mol).
The mass of water is 138 g/mol - 120.37 g/mol = 17.63 g/mol.

3. For FeSO4·H2O:
The molar mass of FeSO4·H2O is 170 g/mol.
The molar mass of FeSO4 (anhydrous compound) is 151.91 g/mol (from the molar mass of Fe: 55.85 g/mol, S: 32.06 g/mol, and O: 16.00 g/mol).
The mass of water is 170 g/mol - 151.91 g/mol = 18.09 g/mol.

4. For SrC2O4·H2O:
The molar mass of SrC2O4·H2O is 194 g/mol.
The molar mass of SrC2O4 (anhydrous compound) is 148.62 g/mol (from the molar mass of Sr: 87.62 g/mol, C: 12.01 g/mol, and O: 16.00 g/mol).
The mass of water is 194 g/mol - 148.62 g/mol = 45.38 g/mol.

Comparing the masses of water in each compound, we see that SrC2O4·H2O has the greatest mass of water, which is 45.38 g/mol. Therefore, the sample of SrC2O4·H2O would lose the greatest mass of water when dehydrated.