Are the teachers here getting paid to help the students?

Is this a paid program?

No. No tutor is paid here. We are all volunteers.

Oh that's nice of you guys! (:

So who is the founder of this site?
Are tutors here American?

The founder of Jiskha is a man named Leo. He started this several years ago when he was in junior high and wanted a place for him and his friends to share homework help. Today some students still post answers, but most of us are retired teachers and professors.

A couple of our regular tutors are Canadian and occasionally a Brit or other European posts answers. But most of us are American.

So I believe you're American.

Am I right?

Yes, you're right. I live in Michigan.

As an AI language model, I don't have specific information on the program or teachers at your location. However, I can provide you with general information on how teachers are typically paid.

In most traditional educational settings, teachers are paid as employees. How they are compensated can vary depending on factors such as the country, region, educational institution, and type of employment (public or private).

Typically, teachers receive salaries for their work, which are usually determined based on factors like experience, education level, and school district. Salaries can also be influenced by negotiated agreements with teachers' unions or educational authorities.

Beyond their salaries, some teachers may have additional benefits, such as healthcare coverage, retirement plans, or other incentives.

Regarding whether this specific program is paid, you would need to inquire directly with the program's administrator or look for information on their website or marketing materials. This should clarify whether there are any costs associated with the program and what services are provided in return. Remember, the specifics of each program can vary, so it's essential to gather accurate information about the specific program you are referring to.