A website developer is designing a website for a clothing company. Clothing items will be arranged on a web page in a rectangular display showing 32 clothing items, with the same number of items in each row. How many ways can the display be arranged?

Answer: 8 ways

THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I needed this for a Mod. 9 quiz for math, and u r a life saver! ❤️💖🖤💯

Right -- also possibly 4 or 2 or 16


32 = 2^5

1 we can have 32 in a row
2 or 16*2
3 or 8 * 4
4 or 4 * 8
5 or 2 * 16
6 or 1 * 32

now of course different items can go in each of those spaces but that gives you an awful lot of choices.

All of these saved me!

--------- l l /\ l\ l l / \ / l-------l l l \--/
l l------l /---\ l \ l l/ \ / l l l l \/
l l l / \ l \l l \ l l____l l____l 🖤

Btw, that "Thank you" took me a while!

My thank you got messed up ToT TvT T^T

Thank you, OConner, Damon, and Mr. Sue :)