is fate choice or chance?

explain both sides

Check out some of these definitions of fate.

What do you think -- choice or chance?

it can prob be by choice but wut exactly does it mean by chance ?

By chance means that it wasn't planned -- it just happened.

But -- think of cancer, car accidents, winning a lottery, country of birth. Aren't these chances, not choices?

so.. fate is by chance not choice??

The nature of fate involves a complex philosophical debate with differing opinions. On one side, some argue that fate is predetermined, meaning that all events are destined to happen regardless of personal choice or chance. Others claim that fate is influenced by our choices and the element of chance. Let's delve into each perspective:

1. Fate as choice:
This viewpoint emphasizes individual agency and the power of our decisions. Supporters believe that our choices shape our destiny and that we have the ability to alter the course of events through our actions. According to this perspective, fate is influenced by our free will, intentions, beliefs, and the consequences of our decisions. The idea is that our choices and the actions we take determine the path we follow in life.

2. Fate as chance:
The opposing viewpoint argues that fate is merely a product of chance and random occurrences. Advocates of this perspective believe that events happen without any predetermined plan or individual influence. According to this line of thinking, chance plays a dominant role in determining the course of our lives, and our choices have limited impact on the outcome. In this view, fate is seen as a sequence of unpredictable events and circumstances beyond our control.

To fully comprehend the concept of fate, it may be helpful to consider both perspectives simultaneously. Our choices and actions can influence the course of events, but external factors and unforeseeable circumstances can also shape our lives in unexpected ways. It's worth noting that different belief systems, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences may influence an individual's perspective on this matter. Ultimately, the nature of fate remains open to interpretation and personal worldview.