Essay ideas?

It needs to be 800 words. The two things must be similar at face value, but have differences between them.


The first topic that comes to mind is politics -- comparing two parties or two candidates.

Two novels with similar themes -- such as Brave New World and 1984?

Two teachers in the same subject area?

Getting news from the Internet or daily newspapers?

This site has some additional ideas.

Sure! If you're looking for essay ideas where two things are similar at face value but have differences, here's a step-by-step guide to help you generate ideas:

1. Brainstorm a list of broad categories: Start by making a list of different categories such as technology, art, education, sports, culture, literature, or any other field that interests you.

2. Choose two categories: Select two categories from your list that seem similar but have distinct differences. For example, you could choose "traditional education" and "online learning" as your two categories.

3. Identify similarities: Make a list of similarities between the two categories you chose. In this example, you could discuss how both traditional education and online learning aim to provide knowledge and skills to students.

4. Highlight differences: Now, focus on the differences between your chosen categories. In the case of traditional education versus online learning, you could discuss differences in learning environments, social interactions, teaching methods, and the role of technology.

5. Develop a thesis statement: Based on the similarities and differences you identified, develop a thesis statement that clearly states the main point of your essay. For example, "Although traditional education and online learning have similar educational goals, they differ significantly in terms of learning environment, social interactions, and instructional methods."

6. Outline your essay: Create an outline for your essay, organizing your main points and supporting evidence. Start with an introduction that introduces the two categories, followed by body paragraphs that explain the similarities and differences, and finish with a conclusion that summarizes your main findings.

7. Research and gather evidence: Conduct research to support your statements. Look for credible sources such as scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites that provide information about your chosen categories. Use this evidence to support your claims and provide examples.

8. Write your essay: Start writing your essay using your outline as a guide. Make sure to include an engaging introduction, coherent body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion. Aim for around 800 words, adjusting the length of your paragraphs accordingly.

9. Revise and edit: Once you have finished writing, revise your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar errors. Check if your essay effectively demonstrates the similarities and differences between your chosen categories. You can ask someone else to proofread it or use online editing tools for additional help.

Remember, these steps are just a guide to help you come up with essay ideas. You can apply this approach to any other categories and find unique ways to showcase their similarities and differences. Good luck with your essay!