Word box : Common Sense, Northwest Territory Ordinance, The American Crisis, Land Ordinance of 1785, Shays Rebellion, Philadelphia Convention of 1787, Virginia Plan, "Give me Liberty or Give me death"

1. Massachusetts farmers rebellion over loss of farms
Shays Rebellion

2.Madisons 15 point plan for goverment republican government with three branches presented by edmund randolph at the Philadelphia Convention
Virginia Plan

3.Paines pamphlet that explained why it was necessary to separate from England
The American Crisis

4.Patrick Hentrys fiery speech that urged colonists that freedom was worth dying for
"Give me liberty or give me death"

5.Divided Northwest Territory into sections to be sold to settlers part of the money goes to fund public education
Land Ordiance of 1785

6.Paines pamphlet that inspired colonial troops in the face of defeat
Common Sense

7. US Constitution written
Philadelphia Convention of 1787?

8.prohib slavery in the territory, set forth the way to incorporate territories as states once the population reached 60,000 they had written a constitution guaranteeing a repulicanism from of government and had a bill of rights including religious freedom
Northwest Territory ordinance

All are correct.

1. To find the answer to the first question about the Massachusetts farmers rebellion over the loss of farms, you can use a search engine and enter keywords like "Massachusetts farmers rebellion" or "rebellion over loss of farms." This should lead you to information about Shays Rebellion, which was a protest by farmers in Massachusetts who were struggling with debt and foreclosure.

2. For the second question about Madison's 15 point plan for a republican government with three branches presented by Edmund Randolph at the Philadelphia Convention, you can search for "Madison's 15 point plan" or "Edmund Randolph Philadelphia Convention" to find information about the Virginia Plan. This plan, proposed by James Madison, outlined a system of government with separate branches and a strong national government.

3. To learn about Paine's pamphlet that explained why it was necessary to separate from England, you can search for "Paine pamphlet separation from England" or "The American Crisis by Thomas Paine." This should lead you to information about The American Crisis, a series of pamphlets written by Thomas Paine during the Revolutionary War.

4. To find information about Patrick Henry's fiery speech that urged colonists that freedom was worth dying for, you can search for "Patrick Henry give me liberty or give me death speech." This iconic quote is from a speech given by Patrick Henry at the Virginia Convention in 1775.

5. For information about the ordinance that divided the Northwest Territory into sections and sold them to settlers, you can search for "Northwest Territory Land Ordinance of 1785" or "Land Ordinance of 1785." This ordinance provided a system for surveying and selling land in the Northwest Territory while also allocating funds for public education.

6. To learn about Paine's pamphlet that inspired colonial troops in the face of defeat, you can search for "Paine pamphlet colonial troops" or "Common Sense by Thomas Paine." Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that argued for American independence and had a significant influence on public opinion during the Revolutionary War.

7. To find information about the writing of the US Constitution, you can search for "Philadelphia Convention of 1787" or "US Constitution." This convention, held in Philadelphia in 1787, resulted in the drafting of the US Constitution, which serves as the fundamental law of the United States.

8. For information about the Northwest Territory ordinance that prohibited slavery, set the process for incorporating territories as states, and included provisions for republican government and religious freedom, you can search for "Northwest Territory ordinance slavery" or "Northwest Territory ordinance provisions." The Northwest Territory Ordinance, also known as the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, established guidelines and principles for the governance and admission of states in the Northwest Territory.