which of the following was true of the age of reason? a. people justified their faith using scientific principles b. people valued science over faith c. people debated the raison detre

Make an educated guess. I am sure you will be correct.


To determine which of the given options was true of the Age of Reason, we'll need to understand what the Age of Reason refers to. The Age of Reason, also known as the Enlightenment, was a philosophical movement that emerged in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.

During this period, people began to prioritize reason and rationality, seeking to apply scientific principles to understand and explain the natural world. With this context in mind, let's analyze the options:

a. People justified their faith using scientific principles: This option aligns with the spirit of the Age of Reason, as individuals during this time sought to use rationality and evidence to understand the world. However, it is important to note that the Age of Reason was marked by a shift towards skepticism and questioning established religious beliefs, rather than justifying faith.

b. People valued science over faith: While the Enlightenment emphasized the importance of scientific inquiry and reasoning, it did not necessarily mean that people valued science over faith. Instead, individuals during this period promoted the idea of reconciling reason and faith, seeking to find harmony between religious beliefs and evidence-based knowledge.

c. People debated the raison d'être: The phrase "raison d'être" refers to the reason for being or the purpose of something. During the Age of Reason, intellectuals and philosophers indeed engaged in extensive debates about various philosophical and existential questions, including the purpose of life and human existence. Therefore, this option is accurate.

In conclusion, the option that was true of the Age of Reason is c. People debated the raison d'être.