Sandy is buying t-shirts for her school's club. Company A charges 5.80 per shirt with no set up fee. Company B charges 5.75 per shirt plus a $35 set up fee

So? Do you have a question about this?

Yes I do I don't get it

You haven't posted the entire problem.

I suspect the rest of the question asks something about which company provides the best buy if you order a certain number of shirts.

Yeah it does

write a story problem using two $100 bills, nine $10 bills, and seven $1 bills.

To compare the costs of buying t-shirts from Company A and Company B, we need to calculate the total cost for each option.

For Company A:
Cost per shirt = $5.80
Number of shirts Sandy wants to buy = unknown (not provided in the question)

Let's assume Sandy wants to buy 'x' number of shirts.
Total cost from Company A = Cost per shirt * Number of shirts = $5.80 * x

For Company B:
Cost per shirt = $5.75
Set up fee = $35
Number of shirts Sandy wants to buy = unknown (not provided in the question)

Similarly, assuming Sandy wants to buy 'y' number of shirts.
Total cost from Company B = (Cost per shirt * Number of shirts) + Set up fee = ($5.75 * y) + $35

Now, to compare the costs, you need to decide how many shirts Sandy wants to buy. Once you know the desired quantity, substitute that value into the equations for Company A and Company B and compare the totals. The option with the lower total cost will be the better choice.