A 6pack of undershirtsome cost $13.98. This is $3.96 less than the cost of buyingas 6 individual shirts. If each undershirt costs the same amount, how much does each undershirt cost when purchased individually?

(13.96 + 3.96) / 6 = $_______ for each


To find out how much each undershirt costs when purchased individually, we can start by figuring out the cost of buying 6 individual shirts.

Let's assume the cost of each undershirt when purchased individually is "x." So, the cost of buying 6 individual undershirts would be 6x (as each undershirt costs the same amount).

According to the information given, a 6-pack of undershirts costs $3.96 less than buying 6 individual shirts. This means that the cost of a 6-pack of undershirts is 6x - $3.96.

We are given that the 6-pack of undershirts costs $13.98. So, we can set up the following equation:

6x - $3.96 = $13.98

To find the value of x, we can solve this equation:

6x = $13.98 + $3.96
6x = $17.94
x = $17.94 / 6
x ≈ $2.99

Therefore, each undershirt costs approximately $2.99 when purchased individually.