how do I expand on this?

My academic prose has exhibited creatively re-establishing an original element with new messages through “A Closer Look: Analyzing Tangled (2012) and Its Deeper Critique of "Rapunzel" (1812). Firstly, I state that “most would presume that [Tangled] is merely another movie created to blend in with contemporary female empowerment films such as Frozen (2013) or Brave (2012), as it clearly displays independently strong women…[although] a closer look would reveal that [this] is Disney’s way of transgressing the lesser known fairytale "Rapunzel" (1812).” The body of my essay, then, utilizes the characters of Rapunzel and the Mother of Rapunzel to support this thesis.
In this explicit way, I highlight how I creatively re-establish the originally perceived purpose of the film “Tangled” (2010) with the new message that its purpose is to actually transgress “Rapunzel.” In this way, the commonly perceived purpose of “Tangled” (2010) as being feminism due to the fact that it is a conventional female empowerment film. Although, I exhibit creativity by introducing a new perception, or that it is actually a transgression of its hypo text.

To expand on your essay, you can consider incorporating the following elements:

1. Provide a brief overview: Start by giving a concise summary of the essay's main argument and the evidence you present in support of it. This will help provide clarity and set the stage for the expansion.

2. Provide more examples and evidence: Elaborate on your analysis of the characters of Rapunzel and the Mother of Rapunzel to further support your thesis. Consider discussing specific scenes or character traits that exemplify the transgressive nature of "Tangled" in relation to the original fairytale.

3. Compare and contrast with other films: To further strengthen your argument, you can compare "Tangled" to other contemporary female empowerment films like "Frozen" and "Brave." Highlight the similarities and differences in terms of themes, character development, and message. This will provide a broader context for your analysis and demonstrate the unique aspects of "Tangled."

4. Incorporate scholarly references: To add depth and credibility to your essay, consider incorporating references to academic sources or literary criticism. Look for scholarly articles or books that discuss the portrayal of female characters in Disney films or analyze the transgressive elements in fairytales. This will enhance the scholarly nature of your essay and provide a broader perspective on your topic.

5. Address counterarguments: Anticipate potential counterarguments or alternative interpretations of your thesis and address them in your expansion. This will demonstrate your ability to consider different perspectives and strengthen your overall argument by defending against possible objections.

6. Reflect on the broader implications: Conclude your essay by reflecting on the broader implications of your analysis. Discuss how the transgressive nature of "Tangled" contributes to a deeper understanding of the cultural and societal impact of fairytales, gender roles, or the evolution of Disney films. This will elevate your essay from a simple analysis to a thought-provoking exploration of larger themes and meanings.

Remember to integrate these elements smoothly throughout your essay, using appropriate transitions and maintaining a clear and logical structure.