You own 80 mp3s. You plan to add 10 more songs every month. Represent this relationship to show how many mp3s you have for th nxt six months. What is the independent x varible?

To represent the relationship between the number of months and the total number of MP3s you have, you can create a table or an equation.

Let's use a table to show the number of MP3s you have for the next six months:

Month | Number of MP3s
0 | 80
1 | 90
2 | 100
3 | 110
4 | 120
5 | 130
6 | 140

In this table, the "Month" column represents the independent variable, which is the x variable. It indicates the number of months passed since you initially owned 80 MP3s. The "Number of MP3s" column represents the dependent variable, which is the y variable. It shows the total number of MP3s you have based on the number of months.

In this case, the independent variable (x) is the number of months, and the dependent variable (y) is the total number of MP3s you have.