candidate #2 received 32% of the votes and candiate #3 received 14% of the votes, WITH a 6 % margin of error. what does this information tell us about the popularity of the candidates?


Based on the provided information, candidate #2 received 32% of the votes, while candidate #3 received 14% of the votes. Additionally, there is a 6% margin of error. The popularity of the candidates can be inferred as follows:

1. Candidate #2 received a higher percentage of votes (32%) than candidate #3 (14%). This implies that candidate #2 is more popular than candidate #3 among the voters.

2. The 6% margin of error indicates the level of uncertainty in the reported vote percentages. It means that the actual percentages of votes received by the candidates could be up to 6% higher or lower than the reported values. Therefore, the reported popularity of the candidates has a certain level of uncertainty due to the margin of error.

To assess the popularity of the candidates based on the given information, we need to consider the margin of error. The margin of error is a statistical measure that indicates the possible range of error in survey results.

In this case, candidate #2 received 32% of the votes, and candidate #3 received 14% of the votes. The margin of error is 6%.

To evaluate the popularity of the candidates, we can consider the upper and lower bounds for each candidate's result, taking into account the margin of error. To calculate these bounds, we need to add and subtract the margin of error from each candidate's percentage.

For candidate #2:
Upper Bound = 32% + 6% = 38%
Lower Bound = 32% - 6% = 26%

So, based on the margin of error, candidate #2's popularity can be estimated to be between 26% and 38%.

For candidate #3:
Upper Bound = 14% + 6% = 20%
Lower Bound = 14% - 6% = 8%

Therefore, candidate #3's popularity can be estimated to be between 8% and 20% based on the margin of error.

In conclusion, the given information tells us that candidate #2 is estimated to have a popularity range between 26% and 38%, while candidate #3 is estimated to have a popularity range between 8% and 20%.