How can i use the 'Adobe Photoshop'? I am really confused how to use/edit a photo.

Will ypu pls help me to know about it?
Thank you

Have you considered reading a book on this? Search Amazon, or your local bookstore.

okay, thnks

Of course, I'd be happy to help you learn how to use Adobe Photoshop! Here's a step-by-step guide to get started:

1. Install Adobe Photoshop: First, you will need to download and install Adobe Photoshop from the official Adobe website. It may require purchasing a subscription or a free trial.

2. Open Adobe Photoshop: Once installed, open the program by double-clicking on the Photoshop icon. This will launch the application.

3. Import your photo: Go to "File" in the top menu and select "Open" to import the photo you want to edit. Locate the file on your computer and click "Open."

4. Familiarize yourself with the workspace: Photoshop has a complex interface, but understanding the basic elements will make it easier to navigate. The main components include the menu bar, tool options bar, panels, and the canvas where your photo is displayed.

5. Basic editing tools: Photoshop offers a wide range of tools to help you edit your photo. Some commonly used tools are the Crop tool, Brush tool, Healing Brush tool, and Clone Stamp tool. Experiment with these tools to see how they can enhance your image.

6. Make adjustments: Use the "Image" menu to make adjustments to your photo. You can modify the brightness, contrast, color balance, and more. Additionally, you can use the "Image" menu to resize or rotate your image.

7. Layers: Understanding layers is crucial in Photoshop. Layers allow you to work on different elements of your image individually, making it easier to make changes and create complex compositions. You can find the Layers panel on the right side of the workspace.

8. Saving your work: When you're finished editing your photo, go to "File" and select "Save As" to save your edited image under a new name and location. This way, you'll preserve your original photo in case you want to make further changes in the future.

These are just the basics of using Adobe Photoshop. As you become more comfortable, you can explore more advanced techniques like filters, blending modes, and layer masks. Adobe also provides many online tutorials, videos, and forums that can help you further enhance your skills. Good luck, and don't be afraid to experiment and practice!