"Emma has difficulty sleeping. Her doctor prescribes Deflex. Deflex is a drug which affects the nervous system. Suggest and explain how Deflex affects the nervous system to help Emma sleep." I have missed a lot of time off of school and I understand how the nervous system works but I can't seem to find anything on how sleeping pills work to affect the nervous system so I am stuck on my last question.

The Deflex binds with the receptors in the synapses which means the transmitter can no longer bind to the receptors, this means that the nerve impulse cannot be sent along the relay neurone. Deflex also binds to the neurotransmitter once released and breaks it down.

 Deflex binds with receptors in synapses

 transmitter can no longer bind to receptors
 binds with the neurotransmitter once released
 breaks down the released neurotransmitter

I am on the exact same question and it seems like nobody in the entire universe knows the answer

Hello guys !! Here's the answer so....

Deflecting binds with receptors in synapses

... Work out the rest for yourself it's a starting step

deflex is an depressant ,works on the synapes by binding receptor so that the neutrotransmitter cannot bind ,so no electrical imulses

Please write down James answer as this is the correct answer and this is the same answer given in the mark scheme.

To understand how Deflex affects the nervous system to help Emma sleep, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by researching the key components of Deflex. Look for its active ingredients and their effects on the nervous system. You can start with a basic search like "active ingredients of Deflex and their effects on the nervous system."

2. Once you find the active ingredients, focus on each one separately. Identify how they interact with the nervous system and any specific effects they have related to sleep.

3. Explore how these effects can promote better sleep. Look for scientific studies or medical research that explain the relationship between the specific effects of each active ingredient and sleep regulation. This may involve searching for variations of "effect of [active ingredient] on the nervous system and sleep."

4. Pay attention to any potential side effects of Deflex. Some drugs may affect the nervous system by altering sleep architecture or inducing drowsiness, but they may come with side effects that need to be considered.

5. Once you have gathered this information, you can summarize or explain how Deflex affects the nervous system to help Emma sleep:

- Provide a general overview of the active ingredients in Deflex and their effects on the nervous system.
- Explain how these effects influence the sleep/wake cycle or promote relaxation.
- Mention any potential side effects that should be taken into account.

Remember, it's essential to rely on credible sources such as scientific papers, medical journals, or reputable healthcare websites when looking for information.