I need to label all my music notes correctly for the guitar and be able to find those notes on the guitar.I also need to tune my guitar with out a tuner.

To label all your music notes correctly for the guitar and be able to find those notes on the guitar, you need to understand the musical alphabet, as well as the layout of the guitar fretboard.

1. Musical Alphabet: The musical alphabet consists of the letters A through G. After reaching G, it starts over again at A. Each letter represents a note.

2. Natural Notes: The natural notes on a guitar are A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. These notes do not have any sharps (#) or flats (b) associated with them.

3. Fretboard Layout: The guitar fretboard consists of six strings and multiple frets. Starting from the thickest string (the low E string), each string is named E, A, D, G, B, and high E. Each fret represents a half-step increase in pitch.

To find the names of the notes on the guitar, follow these steps:

1. Learn the names and locations of the open strings: The open strings are the unfretted strings. Starting from the low E string, the open string names are E, A, D, G, B, and high E.

2. Learn the names and locations of the natural notes on the low E string: Moving across the frets on the low E string, the natural notes are E, F, G, A, B, C, D. Repeat this pattern across the other strings, skipping the B string.

3. Learn the names and locations of the natural notes on the B string: The natural notes on the B string are F, G, A, B, C, D, E.

4. Use the knowledge of these natural note patterns across all the strings to find any note on the guitar.

To tune your guitar without a tuner, you can use a reference pitch and tune the strings relative to it. Here's a method using the fifth fret method:

1. Choose a reference pitch: You can use an online tuner or a keyboard to generate a pitch for reference. The standard tuning for the low E string is E2 (82.41 Hz).

2. Tune the low E string: Press down the fifth fret of the low E string. Adjust the tuning peg until the open A string (the next string) sounds the same as the fifth fret of the low E string.

3. Tune the A string: Press down the fifth fret of the A string. Adjust the tuning peg until the open D string (the next string) sounds the same as the fifth fret of the A string.

4. Tune the D string: Press down the fifth fret of the D string. Adjust the tuning peg until the open G string (the next string) sounds the same as the fifth fret of the D string.

5. Tune the G string: Press down the fourth fret of the G string. Adjust the tuning peg until the open B string (the next string) sounds the same as the fourth fret of the G string.

6. Tune the B string: Press down the fifth fret of the B string. Adjust the tuning peg until the open high E string (the last string) sounds the same as the fifth fret of the B string.

7. Tune the high E string: Press down the fifth fret of the high E string. Adjust the tuning peg until the open high E string sounds the same as the fifth fret of the low E string.

By following these steps, you should be able to label the notes on the guitar and tune it without a tuner. Remember to practice regularly to improve your skills and develop a good ear for tuning.