This is my last test question :)

How does finding the square root of a number compare to finding the cube root of a number? Use the number 64 in your explanation.

How do you propose to do it, using a calculator, or by hand (there are algorithms to find square and cube roots)), or by factoring?

COMPARE not whatever you doin.

To compare finding the square root and cube root of a number, let's use the number 64.

The square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. In this case, we want to find the square root of 64. To do this, you can take the square root of 64 as √(64) or 64^(1/2).

In contrast, the cube root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself twice (or raised to the power of 3), gives the original number. To find the cube root of 64, you can take the cube root of 64 as ∛(64) or 64^(1/3).

Let's calculate both:

The square root of 64 (√(64) or 64^(1/2)) is equal to 8, since 8 * 8 = 64.

The cube root of 64 (∛(64) or 64^(1/3)) is also equal to 4, since 4 * 4 * 4 = 64.

So, even though the numbers are different (8 and 4), both the square root and the cube root of 64 yield values that, when raised to the appropriate power, result in the original number.