A scale drawing of your classroom is 4 inches by 6 inches. If one inch represents 8 feet, what is the actual size of your classroom? I think I know the answer, jst having trouble figuring out how to write it down & show it. I think it's 32 feet by 48 feet. Help! Thanks

8 * 4 = 32

8 * 6 = 48

I think it is 32 feet by 48

To find the actual size of your classroom based on the scale drawing, you need to convert the measurements from inches to feet.

Given that 1 inch represents 8 feet in the scale drawing, you can set up the proportion:

1 inch / 8 feet = 4 inches / x feet

Cross-multiplying, you get:

1 inch * x feet = 8 feet * 4 inches

x feet = (8 feet * 4 inches) / 1 inch

Simplifying, you have:

x = 32 feet

Similarly, for the width:

1 inch / 8 feet = 6 inches / y feet

1 inch * y feet = 8 feet * 6 inches

y = 48 feet

So, the actual size of your classroom is 32 feet by 48 feet.

To solve this problem, you'll need to use the scale factor given in the question. The scale factor is the ratio of the actual size to the size shown on the scale drawing. In this case, the scale factor is given as 1 inch represents 8 feet.

To find the actual size of your classroom, you can use the following steps:

1. Determine the ratio between the dimensions on the scale drawing and the actual dimensions.
- The scale drawing has a length of 4 inches, and one inch on the drawing represents 8 feet.
- So, the ratio for the length is 4 inches (drawing) : 8 feet (actual).
- Simplifying this ratio, we get 1 inch : 2 feet.

2. Apply the ratio to find the actual dimensions of the classroom.
- Now that we know the ratio, we can find the actual length by multiplying the scale factor (2 feet) by the length on the drawing (4 inches). Applying the calculation: 2 feet/inch × 4 inches = 8 feet for the length.
- Similarly, the scale factor (2 feet) multiplied by the width on the drawing (6 inches) gives us 12 feet for the width.

Therefore, the actual size of your classroom is 8 feet by 12 feet, which confirms your answer of 32 feet by 48 feet is incorrect.