12 3/4 feet long by 11 1/2 feet wide is how many square feet

12.75 * 11.5 = ________ square feet

To find the area of a rectangular shape, you need to multiply its length by its width. In this case, the length is given as 12 3/4 feet, and the width is given as 11 1/2 feet.

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
To convert 12 3/4 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (12) by the denominator (4), and then add the numerator (3). Divide the sum by the original denominator. Therefore, 12 3/4 can be written as (12*4 + 3)/4 = 51/4.

Similarly, convert 11 1/2 to an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number (11) by the denominator (2), and then add the numerator (1). Divide the sum by the original denominator. Thus, 11 1/2 becomes (11*2 + 1)/2 = 23/2.

Step 2: Multiply the fractions.
Now, multiply the two fractions together: (51/4) * (23/2).
When multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators together, and then multiply the denominators together. Hence, (51/4) * (23/2) = (51 * 23)/(4 * 2) = 1173/8.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction.
To simplify the fraction, find a common factor for the numerator and denominator of 1173/8 and cancel them out. In this case, both the numerator (1173) and the denominator (8) are divisible by 3. Therefore, divide both by 3: (1173/3) / (8/3) = 391/8.

Therefore, the rectangular area of 12 3/4 feet long by 11 1/2 feet wide is 391/8 square feet.