Carrie and Krystal are taking a road trip from Greenville and North Valley . On Carries's map, Greenville and North Valley are 4.5 inches apart. The scale is 1 inch=20 miles. How far is Greenville from North Valley?

The scale on Kystal's map is 1=18 miles. How far apart are Greenville and North Valley on Kystal's map?

Botch! Lol hah gaari


wgats the answer

To calculate the distance between Greenville and North Valley on Carrie's map, you will need to use the scale given. The scale is 1 inch equals 20 miles. Since the distance between Greenville and North Valley on the map is 4.5 inches, you can multiply the scale by the distance on the map to get the actual distance.

Distance on Carrie's map = 4.5 inches
Scale = 1 inch = 20 miles

Actual distance = Distance on Carrie's map × Scale
Actual distance = 4.5 inches × 20 miles/inch
Actual distance = 90 miles

Therefore, Greenville and North Valley are 90 miles apart on Carrie's map.

To calculate the distance between Greenville and North Valley on Krystal's map, you will follow the same process. The scale for Krystal's map is 1 inch equals 18 miles. Using the scale and the distance between Greenville and North Valley on Krystal's map, you can calculate the actual distance.

Distance on Krystal's map = ?
Scale = 1 inch = 18 miles

Since the distance on Krystal's map is unknown, you can use the same formula:

Actual distance = Distance on Krystal's map × Scale

To find the distance on Krystal's map, you need to rearrange the formula:

Distance on Krystal's map = Actual distance / Scale

Substituting the given values:

Distance on Krystal's map = ?
Actual distance = 90 miles
Scale = 1 inch = 18 miles

Distance on Krystal's map = 90 miles / 18 miles/inch


Distance on Krystal's map = 90 miles / (18 miles/inch)
Distance on Krystal's map = 5 inches

Therefore, Greenville and North Valley are 5 inches apart on Krystal's map.

4.5 * 20 = 90 miles

90 / 18 = _______ inches