1.Write the fraction 8/9 as a percent. Round to the nearest hundereth of a percent where necessary.

A. 88.89%***
B. 1.13%
C. 44.44%
D. 66.67%

2.Write the decimal 0.237 as a percent.
A. 0.237%
B. 2.37%
C. 23.7%***
D. 237%

3.Jerry sold 7/20 of the total number of tickets that were sold for the spring band concert. What percent of the total number of tickets did Jerry sell?
A. 45%
B. 40%
C. 30%
D. 35%***

4.Write the percent 96.55% as a decimal.
A. 9655
B. 965.5
C. 0.9655***
D. 9.655
My answers

whats the rest of the answers? its a 18 question test.

all correct. good work.


Your answers are correct! Here's an explanation for each question:

1. To convert a fraction to a percent, you can multiply the fraction by 100. In this case, 8/9 multiplied by 100 is equal to 88.88 repeating. Rounding to the nearest hundredth of a percent, we get 88.89%. So, the correct answer is A. 88.89%.

2. To convert a decimal to a percent, you can also multiply the decimal by 100. In this case, 0.237 multiplied by 100 is equal to 23.7. So, the correct answer is C. 23.7%.

3. To find the percent of a fraction, you can divide the numerator by the denominator and then multiply by 100. In this case, 7/20 divided by 1 multiplied by 100 is equal to 35. So, the correct answer is D. 35%.

4. To convert a percent to a decimal, you can divide the percent by 100. In this case, 96.55 divided by 100 is equal to 0.9655. So, the correct answer is C. 0.9655.

Great job!